D. Other Questions
37. What is the area that one 400ml can of Samurai paint?
One can may be able to cover between 1sqm – 3sqm of area. The difference is due to the skill of the painter, how many layer, how thick per layer and which color selected, lighter color opacity will be lower.
38.How many cans can will I need to paint my motorcycle?
This will depend on the models and what is to be painted on the motorcycle. But if painting the fairings only, for the typical models such as XRM, Raiders, Mio, etc, the estimated would be 2-3 cans per kind of 400ml paint. It will again depend on the skill of the painter. The more practice and experience the painter has, the less wastage will be.
39. Can I use Samurai together with other brands?
We recommend that you don’t use Samurai with other brands because Samurai’s paint adhesion is stronger as compared with other brands. If Samurai is used on top of other brands, there is a big chance that Samurai will eat the other brands’ paint and will result in what we call biting.
40. Do I need to put the item in the oven after applying the water transfer film?
You only need to naturally dry the finished item. No need to use any oven to dry it. It will fry faster under the sun or a hot spotlight.
41. Do I really need to put a clear top coat on my painted items?
Yes, we highly recommend to put a top clear coat on the finished item. We recommend using the 2K01 Top Clear Coat for the best results.
42. Can I use Samurai on steel rims?
Yes, Samurai can be used on steel rims. You need to sand, use 2K05/2K06 Metal primer, paint it with the desired color and use 2K01 top clear coat for best results.
43. Can I use Samurai on fiber glass and other materials not plastic or metal?
Yes, Samurai can be used on other materials such as fiber glass. You need to sand, use 2K04 Surfaces primer, paint it with the desired color and use 2K01 top clear coat for best results.
44. Can I use Samurai to paint over putty (masilya)?
Yes, Samurai paint can be used to paint over putty. Make sure that the putty is sanded before putting on the primer.
45. Can I use Samurai to paint on chrome finished items?
Yes, Samurai can be used to paint chromed items. The process will be apply KPP plastic primer on chrome finished item, dry under hot sun for 2 hour, and storage for 2-3 day before apply samurai paint.
46. How long does Samurai paint dry?
Primer takes about 30 minutes to become touch dry under the hot sun. Other Samurai colors would take about 5-10 minutes to touch dry under the hot sun.
47. How long must I wait before I can apply the next layer of paint?
As long as the paint is dry to the touch, then the next layer of paint can be applied on the item.
48. Can I use Samurai to paint on wood?
Samurai formulation are specific for use for motorcycle. We will not guarantee the result for spray other than motorcycle.
To spray on wood, the wood must be processed with wood putty/filler . The can follow the regular procedures.
49. Can I use the primers of other brands before using Samurai paint?
It is not recommended to use the other brands’ primers for Samurai paints. We still suggest to use Samurai primers for Samurai paints. We cannot guarantee the results of the other brands when sprayed on with Samurai.
50. For the Samurai 2-coat system, can I use the undercoat and top coat separately?
The Samurai 2-coat system was especially formulated to use an undercoat and top coat to get a specific shade of color that is not possible with just one color. The undercoat and the top coat can be used separately but the resulting colors will not be as good as when used together.