What Is Water Transfer Film?


Water Transfer Film is gravure-printed with a graphic image to be transferred onto an object. Ideal use to decorate items on three-dimensional surfaces by using a hydro tank/a vat of water. It is suitable to apply on any types of substrates including plastics, fiberglass, ceramics, metal and wood.

Steps to do:

  1. Spray SAMURAI  Epoxy Surfacer 2K04.
  2. When the surfacer layer is completely dry, apply SAMURAI paint color as a top coat.
  3. Cut the water transfer film into desired measurement. Tape the edges of the film and slit the four corners to avoid folding.
  4. Place the water transfer film on the water and wait 2-3 minutes. Make sure the film become flat and static in the water.
  5. Spray SAMURAI Activator evenly on the surface of film to dissolve it into a liquid and activate a bonding agent.
  6. Immerse the object in water slowly to transfer the printed image onto the form of your object.
  7. Let it dry a while, rinse with water slowly to remove the glue.
  8. Let it dry completely, apply with multiple thin layers of SAMURAI 2K Top Coat Clear.